Many dental implant patients undergo immediate loading after surgery, meaning temporary teeth are placed on the implants right away instead of waiting for the implants to fully heal.
This approach offers significant long-term advantages for implant healing. Additionally, it has esthetic benefits, as the gums heal around the teeth, creating a more natural-looking smile.
Why a Soft Food Diet?
During the initial healing period, the implants are not yet fully integrated into the bone. For the first few months after surgery, your dentist will likely ask you to stick to a soft food diet. This helps the implants successfully fuse with the bone (a process called osseointegration) and supports overall healing. Maintaining a nutritious diet rich in protein is also essential to aid recovery.
Soft foods are those that require minimal or no chewing. A simple test is to check if the food can be easily mashed against the roof of your mouth using just your tongue. If it can, it’s likely soft enough for this phase of recovery.
Popular Soft Food Options
For some, being asked to stick to a soft food diet may seem like a heavy burden. In reality, there are a lot of food options that qualify as soft foods. Here are some patient favorites that are gentle on your new implants:
Smoothies and shakes
Mashed potatoes
Oatmeal or other warm cereals
Soft, ripe fruits like bananas or peaches (without skin)
Steamed vegetables
Pudding or custard
Soft bread without seeds, nuts, or whole grains

High-Protein Soft Foods
If you're tempted to only eat pastas and smoothies during your healing, you'll be missing out on some important nutrition. Protein is critical for healing, and these soft options can help meet your nutritional needs:
Yogurt or kefir
Smooth peanut butter or other nut butters
Egg salad
Tuna or salmon
Cottage cheese
Ricotta cheese (with a drizzle of honey or fruit)
Refried beans or bean-based soups
Ground turkey or chicken (cooked very soft or blended into soups)
Protein shakes
Need Help or More Ideas?
If you have questions about your post-surgery diet, don’t hesitate to contact your dental provider. For more advice and ideas, join the 3 on 6™ Community on Facebook. Connect with others who have been through the process and get valuable tips for your recovery journey!